Tell your Senators: DO NOT Overturn Local Pesticide Laws in the United States. Urgent action is needed to help stop the spread of toxic pesticides.
Last year, a bill was introduced to Congress that would prohibit local regulation of pesticide use. If passed as an amendment to the 2023 Farm Bill, this would overturn all local pesticide laws that go further than the federal-level pesticide restrictions – designed to protect vulnerable populations such as farm workers and schoolchildren, as well as endangered pollinators like bees.
Corporations like Bayer’s Monsanto are pushing lawmakers to adopt this bill so that they can continue to lobby for more control. This is familiar terrain, unfortunately. We have already seen evidence of corporate malfeasance and ‘agency capture’ of the Environmental Protection Agency in the Monsanto Papers and in Jennifer Baichwal’s documentary, Into the Weeds: Dewayne “Lee” Johnson vs. Monsanto Company.
If this bill is passed and this amendment is allowed to become law, nearly 150 communities across the country would see their protective pesticide laws made invalid – laws created from decades of precedent-setting Supreme Court rulings. It would also make the fight to return local control in the remaining states even more difficult and prevent state governments from tailoring future laws to the specific needs of their communities as we study the effects of pesticides further. This will impact each of us and the communities where we live.
Please join Into the Weeds director Jennifer Baichwal and our Official US Screening Partners in this urgent action. Let your senators know we demand they protect our most vulnerable communities and species by keeping local pesticide regulations.
Pesticide preemption letter copy you can use to send to your senators:
As your constituent, I urge you to reject any language in amendments to the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill that would allow federal preemption of local pesticide legislation. _______
Pesticide preemption is a direct attack on the ability of local governments to protect their communities and the people who live there.
Pesticide preemption in the Farm Bill would prohibit local governments from adopting pesticide laws that are more protective than federal rules. Passing a bill with this language would overturn legal precedent and is in opposition to rulings of the Supreme Court (Wisconsin Public Intervenor vs Mortier) that support the right of communities to adopt pesticide regulations tailored to their needs.
There are almost 200 different communities across the country that have passed policies to restrict the use of a wide range of pesticides. These laws reflect the specific needs, circumstances and conditions of each location and reflect the concerns of the constituents who live there. Some areas have unique ecological conditions that require prudent measures beyond the minimums set by FIFRA and enforced by the states. Others responsibly place restrictions on the use of hazardous pesticides near playgrounds and public spaces where the most vulnerable populations might be exposed and harmed.
Federal pesticide preemption language in the Farm Bill, or passage of HR 4288, would undermine the important role of local governments in our country. Their connection to the needs of the people provides a mechanism for the government to quickly respond to emerging health hazards or damage to the local environment and resources. In contrast, federal protections in response to these threats can take years, or decades, to realize.The EPA reviews the safety of pesticides only once every 15 years, so EPA standards may not reflect the latest science.
Congress is responsible for making sure residents are protected from the effects of toxic pesticides. Please vote NO on any amendment that threatens these important local laws.
Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I look forward to your support in protecting our environment and public health.
Bonus Content Featuring Influencers and Policymakers


Senator Cory Booker
Carey Gillam
Margaret Atwood